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Inspection of main pipelines includes:
- pipeline location;

- determination of the degree of protection of pipelines by means of cathodic polarization;
- determination of the condition and protective properties of pipeline coatings;
- determination of the locations and dimensions of damages in pipeline coatings, hot spot protection;
- determination of the corrosive activity of the soil;

- line currents survey;
- determination of the protection of pipeline crossings through water barriers;

- current requirement surveys;
- determination of the technical condition and efficiency of the existing electrochemical/cathodic protection equipment.
  Based on the results of the survey, recommendations are given on increasing the efficiency of electrochemical/cathodic protection or a project for its reconstruction.

Survey of corrosion protection of underground/subsea cable lines includes:
- cable tracing;

- determination of the degree of protection of cable lines by cathodic polarization;
- measurement of magnitude and allowance for the influence of stray currents (interference);
- determination of the protection of cable line crossings through water barriers;
- determination of the technical condition and efficiency of the existing electrochemical/cathodic protection equipment.
  The result of the survey is a project for the reconstruction of electrochemical/cathodic protection. 
Using the survey data, historical project data are being developed for the reconstruction of electrochemical/

cathodic protection with the conversion of power supplies to automatic operation mode and the use of permanent reference electrodes.

The scope of electrochemical/cathodic protection of above-ground and underground storage tanks (AST/UST) includes:
- inspection of the corrosive condition of the tank;
- project development;
- manufacture/supplying/shipping of automatic converters with a power of 0.2 - 0.5 kW;
- Construction of automatic electrochemical/cathodic protection using a permanent reference electrodes;
- adjustment of electrochemical/cathodic protection, measurement of protective potentials "tank - earth";
- commissioning of the electrochemical/cathodic protection system.

Determination of the protection of underground structures when crossing water barriers:

   In determining the corrosion protection of the underwater pipeline transition, a direct current is passed between the pipeline and the anode ground (from the cathodic protection installation or an autonomous DC power source) and the potential "underground construction-earth", Then, the displacement of the potential "underground structure-earth" is calculated as a result of which the security of the underground structure and the average resistance value of the insulation coating are determined.

Standard electrochemical/cathodic protection survey procedures:

- structure-to-Electrolyte potential measurement;

- reference electrode maintenance;

- direct current measurements;

- alternating current testing;

- rectifier, power supply adjustment, inspection, troubleshooting;

- adjustive survey;

- commissioning survey;

- close interval potential survey, dcvg survey;

- direct current stray current interference survey;

- electrical isolation joint survey; 

- road and railroad cased crossing survey;

- geological, geophysical surveys, include electrochemical and electrosmosis investigations;

- soil resistivity measurement;

- historical survey in public and private company archives;

- mitigation of high voltage power transmission lines influences.

Ship hull electrochemical/cathodic protection survey procedures:

- analysis of bare surfaces of propellers and pipes;

determination of the condition and protective properties of hull coatings;

- determination of the condition of anode screens (if it is necessary);

- inspection and visual control related to every part of the protection system (feeders, cables, hull penetration cofferdams, connections, shaft earthing/grounding);

- inspection and test of ship power supply switchboard;

- current measurements;

- determination of the degree of protection of hull by means of cathodic polarization for different zones of the structure;

- compare measured values with initial, determinate after hull launching.


Harbour Structures electrochemical/cathodic protection surveys.



In-situ and Ex-situ soil remediation:

- from heavy metals; 

- petroleum; 

- realization of prospecting activities till estimations of contamination of grounds;

- compilation of a map of contamination; 

- selection of a way of clearing of soils and groundwater; 

- mounting of a purification system, maintenance, sampling and investigation samples of soils and groundwater, their express analysis, sampling after realization of activities on clearing, disassembly of a system.

Dehumidifying walls and foundations of old and underground buildings:


- installation; 

- service; 

- overseeing during activity; 

- measurement of parameters;

- architectural supervision.


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