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Understanding of corrosion.

- environmental monitoring;

Design Stage:

- material selection of/for construction;

- design solutions due to corrosion problems based on type of corrosion, fabrication techniques and environmental factors;

- selection inspection points;

- detail of design and issue specifications.

Control Measures: 

- Protective Coatings:

- surface preparation, abrasives inspection;

- soluble salts measurements;

- dry film thickness measurements;

- paint adhesion;

- hardness testing of tank linings (if it is necessary);

- high voltage holiday detection, electrolytic holiday detection.

- Metallic Protective Coatings:

- hot dipping;

- anodizing.


Corrosion Testing:

- chemical analysis;

- leak testing;

- metallographic examination;

- acceptance testing, such as Huey test, Strauss test, test for heat-treatable aluminum alloys;

- crack, crevice, flaw detection by means of nondestructive evaluation (NDE);

- inspection of welding procedure and operator qualification;

- inspection of welding electrodes and filler metal. 

Monitoring Corrosion:

- corrosion specimen monitoring;

- equipment inspection;

- instrument monitoring.

Quality Control and Quality Assurance Program:

- organization, three stage inspection: preparatory, initial, following;

- inspection of design specifications, engineering review;

- corrosion risk based assessment and inspection;

- control of materials and its procurement;

- process control;

- correction of nonconformity;

- welding quality, heat and sounding/ultra-sounding treatment;

- measuring and testing, include NDE/NDT;

- program documentation;

- record retention and audit;

- maintenance management.

Example of QC report deal with Corrosion of Galvanized Profile Edges


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